Our english class had been the most interesting and energetic class. unlike Chemistry, so boring. Ah, well today we did something interesting of course. Ms. Kalai was teaching narative essay. So each group has to list down 10 things: name, place, when, fruit, object, verb, adjective, color, sound effect and phrase of choice. CREATIVELY. After that, we are assigned to create a story out of the 10 words given by other group. This is the story our group came out with! =)Needing a nose
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. He was also known by the name of !WaseJiLoYuJa and he suffered from a syndrome which causes multiple personality. Jack has always been a humungous fan of the sexy Micheal Jackson. He went for a plastic surgery to have MJ's nose. One day, he decided to try the new flavour Blacky White ice cream from BR. While enjoying his ice cream, he didnt realise that his nose had fallen into his ice cream! and he ate it! Soon after, he felt a sudden pain in his stomach. He then quickly moonwalked to the toilet. The toilet had a pungent odor. He could not stand it, so he wanted to hold his nose. Shockingly, there was no nose on his face! He immediately sat on the toilet bowl to pass motion. While going through a particular difficult poop, he realised that his nose was stucked bettwen his asshole. He had no choice but to join an orgy of grapes to get his beloved expensive noce out of his asshole.
After a long process of orgy, the nose was still stucked. He was so desperate till the extent that he went to MJ's coffin to steal his nose and made the sound "HeeHee!"
From this story, we learnt that persistance is the key to success. By doing so, we can make the world a better place no matter if we are black or white.
*by Cheryl, Fion, Bev, Zu, Galwyn, Ed Vinn and Jessica
And this is our list of words and story created by other group.
Found and Lost!
Not too long ago, when my parents got married, I met Zuinti which was born under the lemon tree. It was a very special moment in my life as I approached a weird sound that sounded like "Boom Boom Tweet" and saw that she was glowing like a glow in the dark deodarant. At that moment, I yelled "super duper uber obiang!" and immediately I stopped sipping my killer neon red watermelon juice. I crept closer to her as my curiosity grew. Suddenly a monkey appeared and tried to hurt Zuinti. My immediate reaction was to protect Zuinti because she was gorgeous, glamorous and just so awesome blossom! To determine the owner o Zuinti, we had to challenge each other with Sudoku, Tic Tac Toe, Scissors Paper Stone and Bingo! At last, it was a close match but I won! I immediately picked up Zuinti, the pink polka dotted banana and tossed her in the air as I jumped for joy. At that very moment, a bird flew by and snatched Zuinti away. I was so depressed that I picked up a lemon and named it Zuanta as a substitute for Zuinti.
Moral of the story is, do not simply toss a banana.
*By Brian, Joseph, Tracey, Sye Keen and Kit Yew
I know, I know people will be thinking what nonsense is this?! Yeah! This is our very own creative story. I hoped you guys had a good laugh of the two stories above. Did I make your day? hah!
Btw, right. "Boom Boom Tweet" is actually the combination of "Boom Boom Pow" and Twitter's "Tweet Tweet" haha!! =D