I finished my final exam on Friday. But the girls had Moral Studies to sit for on Saturday. I went to Subang to meet them up then we headed to The Gardens to celebrate! We finished our first semester, we finished our exams, and it's 3 weeks of break! We planned to shop and lepak till night time, but the whole plan was ruined by me. =( sorry...
So, we reached The Gardens around 2 something. Bought our movie ticket and headed to Mid Valley for lunch. We went to Delicious.
The best!
This is part where I ruined everything. Argh! I had headache when we were in MV. It got worse when we got into the cinema. I wasn't feeling well at all. Halfway, I felt like vomitting. Urghh!! I went to the toilet but nothing was coming out. The whole movie was like torturing me even though the seat was terrific! After the movie, nothing changed. Well, we went home after the movie because of me. Umm then, I actually puked in Fion's car. Not as in her car. I puked in the plastic bag! HAHA! That night was terrible. I couldn't sleep well.
Ahh, nothing like that will ever happen again I promise!
4 cheese Mac is too cheesy... first few bite is nice... but after that damn jelak..... =p
YES Exactly!
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